Welcome to the NEW
Ebony Shopping Plaza
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About Ebony Shopping Plaza
EBONY SHOPPING PLAZA offers and celebrates the regions finest Black-Owned shops, products and services while showcasing African life, culture, and entrepreneurs.
EBONY SHOPPING PLAZA creates a powerful and unique space for black, brown and ally businesses to professionally gain exposure while filling a void in the prominent black business sector.
Under one roof, you can explore local and global black businesses, selling Apparel, Bath & Body, Haircare, Crafts, Food, Jewelry, Health & Wellness, Home Décor and many more.

Featured Business
Teens Now Talk
Inspiring Today's Youth (=ITY) is a non-profit society that was created by Jessica Bowden M.S.M., the founder and publisher of the social enterprise Teens Now Talk (TNT) Magazine. The print and online publication is a seven-time award winning, Halifax based, quarterly magazine written by teens for teens. It's a powerful resource used in classrooms by educators throughout Canada and United States.